• villages would be connected by transit and walking paths.
  • How do you connect them all most efficiently?
  • Perhaps concentric rings, with a special hub-town in the center


  • You have subway lines underground, connecting the villages, first a continual, straight line, then connecting to a central hub for a hub & spoke design.
    • subways have cars for people and cars for cargo. (to accommodate automated cargo-pods one day)
    • 4 stations per spoke means 6 villages per hub, or 1500 residents per station
  • a large central station under the central hub where people moving between spokes could switch between lines or hop onto transport to the seaport, airport and roadport.
  • the spokes and subway lines could be named for their cardinal directions: N, NE, E, SE, S, etc
  • between the villages and stations is empty greenspace.
  • a ring of greenhouses form a wheel outside the spokes, perhaps.
  • central hub would also contain
    • an endpoint for transportation to the port.
    • underground parking for cars, which is the endpoint the car/truck road to the city.
    • storage facilities for goods entering & exiting the city.